Bay Bee
because we still have UnLimited Possibilities...
Harnessing Positive Thinking
True to Life affirmations or Boomer*Isms as we like to call them are phrases or cliches with a twist, basically re-stated from a boomer perspective, that can help brighten your day and maybe even lighten your world outlook when you read them. Read them often so you can LOL/ laugh out loud when you realize these truly are 'words for us to live by in the NOW (things & we have changed)! it will set the tone for your day and get you moving in a positive direction.
** In case you have the urge to "COIN" your own Boomer*Ism feel free to e-mail it in for a chance to win your very own "I'm a Bay Bee Boomer & Proud of It!!!" t-shirt **

"The chance to love and be loved exists no matter where you are"
- and since you are "still here" go ahead take a chance and love on somebody, rite here where you are.
per the O.B.
Brené Brown
"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen..."
-with all our "new curves" and many imperfections.
per the O.B.

Yrsa Daley-Ward
"Make way for the unprecedented and watch your reality rearrange yourself,"
... just make sure you have your glasses on!
per the O.B.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
"The perfect moment is this one,"
... perfect or not, take it, use it, live it!
per the O.B